Well thanks to the supreme efforts of our workaway guest and website superstar Andrew Golightly we are now live on the web
Read MoreFireflies came to visit

A lovely and typical Italian spring day with the sun shining and clear blue skies gave us the opportunity to cut some of the grass after that had grown again after the recent non typical rain. Pongo had a visit from his new friend Parcival (Percy to me), he is a large white Husky type, he stayed all day and they both managed to chase every single bird that came anywhere near “their” territory. The evening meal was followed by a visit to the local gelateria in Tolentino where Andrew our workaway guest treated us to an excellent gelato . The amazing sunset followed with a beautiful red sky highlighting the shape of the mountains in the distance and then the finale, a fantastic display provided by thousands of fireflies and the the olive grove transformed into what looked like a hundred Christmas trees all twinkling together…….Buona...
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