Well it looks like summer has finally arrived and hopefully the grass has slowed down a bit, we have sent a message to our neighbour Maurizio who has one of those brilliant little orange caterpillar tractors that everybody round here seems to have. Its time for the Olive grove to have its annual haircut, all the wild orchids have gone now and with our Adopt an Olive tree scheme hotting up the grove needs to look its best for the summer. We are also now appreciating the huge improvement in the views from the house since we demolished our lovely old barn a few weeks ago…with the help of Ken, a chainsaw, a long rope and a Ford Focus tractor !! It seems that only me and Pongo will miss it, he chased many a frightened little mouse out of there. ...
Read MoreGot a Cough
Again nothing to do with Adopting an Olive tree but for a long time i have had a cough, and i mean a long time, been to the doctors, had x rays and all sorts of tests.. found nothing, still had cough. One day i was talking to a friend from San Ginesio who also had the same problem, she said someone had suggested a herb called Marshmallow Root (nothing to do with the fluffy sweets you roast over campfires), the latin name is Althaea, she got some took it in the form of a tea for a while and the cough went. So i tried it for a couple of weeks, one cup a day……amazing, a cough i had for over 3 years has now...
Read MorePercy (Parcifal)

Just a quickie for all you dog lovers out there, i know we are trying to get people to adopt an olive tree but we seem to have been adopted by a new friend for Pongo, his name is Parcifal or my version…Percy, he is a beautiful white Husky type that belongs to our friends who live at the top of the hill above us. He must have some sort of infatuation with Pongo as he is here every day now, we take him home, he comes back, his owners come for him, he comes back, any suggestions...
Nothing to do with Olive trees but managed to watch the final of BGT last night on the laptop, or should i say from the laptop on the tv…thanks Andrew. So the very talented Attraction beat the also very talented Jack Carroll, a bit amazed that the British public chose a Hungarian act in preference to a superb disabled British act, not so sure that would have happened in Italy or in any other european country. Perhaps Terry Wogan leaving the Eurovision has changed peoples voting principles. Still havn’t got my head round non british residents being able to enter Britains got talent….perhaps Simon will read this and explain. Anyway, if i had been in the uk i would have voted for you Jack….your still a...
Read MoreRoad to Colmurano
Just for those who have been doing the detour for the last couple of months, they have started repairing the road just above us that collapsed ....
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